Anne Mulaire - Made In Canada


Anne Mulaire’s clothing lines honour Canada’s French, Indigenous, and Métis character. With hints of Prairie culture, notes of the North, and shades of the Pacific Northwest, Anne Mulaire’s artistry and workmanship shine a light on one of the greatest countries in the world.

Read more about our Héritage prints

From day one, Anne Mulaire has made sustainability and ethical manufacturing key priorities. Our bamboo yarn comes from sustainable sources throughout the world and then is shipped to Canada for expert milling, knitting, and dying. Anne Mulaire’s Ontario-based supplier is an expert knitter who turns simple bamboo into fashion gold, including proprietary weaves that can be found nowhere else.

The clothes are designed and manufactured in small runs in Winnipeg where we champion fair-trade practices, ethical employment, and equal opportunities for all.

Sewing Factory

Anne Mulaire’s cutters, seamstresses, and production staff work with passion, precision, and superior attention to detail. The result is a durable, creative, comfortable, Canadian product you can wear with pride.

Our production team

Portrait image of Andreanne

Andréanne Dandeneau

Designer / Pattern Maker

Portrait image of Veronica Arida

Veronica Arida

Production assistant

Portrait image of Zoya Grual

Zoya Gural

Design Assistant

Portrait image of Tessie

Tessie Mendoza

Senior Production Seamstress

Portrait image of Valerie

Valerie Arceo


Portrait image of Sarah Duran

Sara Duran

Cutter / Seamstress